Christmas concert evaluation

Our band performed the song Hey Jude consisting of two vocalists a pianist , bassist, guitarist and drummer . 

I joined the band slightly late so we had to adapt to these changes of having a second vocalist. Our first rehearsal was based on learning the song and as i was a new addition ,me and Tyler just sung the song together as we hadn't really thought of what else we could do yet and I hadn't built the confidence to suggest harmonising. Our second rehearsal was roughly the same however I  created a group chat allowing us to communicate thoughts and ideas about the performance .By the third rehearsal I had built up the confidence to suggest that we don't sing together and split up the verses with me harmonising on the last two and the choruses whilst Tyler sings melody. For the verses i sung a lower harmony .Both me and Tyler worked on our vocal dynamics to reach the end note of the song . By our last few rehearsals changed my harmony last minute I felt singing the lower harmony was very dull and didn't add any good texture to the song so i did a higher harmony and it worked better adding more range to the song.

Overall , I would say the Christmas concert was very successful. After much practise of hopelessly devoted we managed our best performance of it on the show night even though there was a lot of struggle with it as the sheet music was very difficult but the musicians managed to interpret it and after much rehearsing we managed perform it well.

Hey Jude also went very well , I used the stage presence skills I have gained  this term to get the audience involved by singing and waving . Neither me or Tyler forgot our lyrics and I’m happy with the variety of melisma's and vocal techniques I used throughout the song .

We did run into some issues for example during the end of master of presents the hi top fell off however we managed it was only at the end and it added comedy. Also the vocal group didn’t start a song as precisely as we’d hoped but nevertheless al the performances were either of good or the best standard we had performed them .

Next time I do a gig I would like to improve on my confidence interacting with other band members on stage whilst performing because I think it would look better on stage to be more interactive with them, additionally, my organisation as I found myself loosing lots of things back stage . Another thing I would like to do in my next bug gig would be to play a the guitar as I’m newly learning it and would like to build my experience with playing it in front of people .

At the end of the concert we all helped pack up and I greatly improved on my cable coiling skills however in the future I would like to do a larger range of things like learning about how to pack down a drum kit . 


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