
Gigs to write about : 
mark stidston gig 

THINGS TO WROTE ABOUT : WHATCOOK GIG STRODELIVE - MAKING OF hAVEN mAKING OF - APOLLO Making of Foxglove - tasks - whatcook . Marketing plan , promotionl video . pefroming .helping set up DJ night . Lights . Help hand out posters and sharing online Red brick . Lights . Tech spec . Equipment List . Performing . Help promote My own gigs - collaborative becuase of communication mark studston bringing you a Pa, teh guy helping keep up your lyrcs , collabortaed with bthe winery to help get ut more attraction Other : Collaborated with music video shoot . runner . as an extra . and as a student Collaborative skils working in a band- eg unplugged - communication etc exs and ohs and shine Collaborated with Leanna and Mollie for msking of songs and also to help record those songs . 17th april - toda

19th April - 
today I worked on preparing for the what cook gig . Me and mollie have decided to do cant help falling in love by Elvis presley . We went in c15 over lunch as no ones was using it and rehearsed however mollie was finding it hard to sing and incorporate the piano part into the song I feel she also didn't like the song very much but wanted for both of us to enjoy what we were playing for a better outcome at the gig so I proposed changing the song . I know Mollie and me both like pop music so we looked through Spotify at the pop genre for some popular songs as it was taking us too long to think of one ourselves . We decided to go for all of me as it suited both of our voices . 
I found higher harmonies for the pre chorus and also the bridge wich we both liked , practised it and got a recording . 

This evening I decided I needed to contact people to start getting bands together for the red brick gig wich is coming up soon as well . My goal is to do a cover of exs and ohs by Elle king  and two originals  . I talked to a couple classmates about it and managed to get a guitarist and bassist however I needed another guitarist and a drummer . 
Later this evening my guitarist messaged me asking me to do another song as well as exs and ohs for red brick and I said I could . She also said she would ask another classmate to play the second guitar for exs and ohs , collaborating with Katie here really was beneficial for me as she managed to get a second guitarist and ask me to do another cover with her also .

Reheasrsing for the redbrick building. 
Day one today I booked out c18 , however only Theo , Katie and Dylan were in . We spent most of the time learning about the songs and making sure it  was in a goof key for my vocals . Katie had to learn the piano chord part for the chorus however and we had a couple run throughs and decided we'd go over it again tommorow . 

day 2 
today we went over the two songs the full band was In today however we only had limited time as people in the band  needed to practise for something else as  it . The guitarist who wasn't in yesterday had to learn the guitar part for against all odds and then we went over it he said that he thought the chorus would sound good with some guitar noodling over the top so we tried it out a little and he said he would practise  .

day 3 . 

Today was our Wednesday gig we went over the redbrick building gig and the ace audio dj night and talked about what needs to be doing . 
First we talked about the ace audio night my technical role for that gig has been to promote it my practical role is to do the lighting for it . We were informed  in an email how 3 bouncers may have been a better option as its gig for 18 plus wich means everyone there will be of age to drink . 
On bouncer is 120 pounds so 3 

Ace audio - venue wants 3 bouncers 
we need to sell £120 per bouncer 
£7 a ticket 

Redbrick - get some first year videos and videos of people for promotion 
people to contact to advertise it : 
clarks board 
instagram stories 
Facebook pages 

first year issue with running order  
less here is to underpromise and overachieve 

During our meeting today I realised how haven wasn't on the set list and how it should have priority as it is on the album .  
Furthermore we also noticed how a lot of first years had songs they were doing that weren't on the set list 
After checking the running order we realised how a lot of the 
we went over the setlist and realise how a lot of first years were playing songs that werent on the album . We had a vote to say whether we should change the running order so as only first years with songs on the albums could play or if we should just keep it as it is  .    

do a risk assessment .  

2/05 /24 
today we practised this charming man, we had booked out c15 for this ,  Roxy was rehearsing with another band so I asked another bassist to fill in . We spent the morning going over that and got a video . It sounded pretty good as everyone had been learning there parts at home however the ending part needed some work as the guitar hadn't been completely learned yet . 
I also went over against all odds today for Katie band h, we had booked out c19 for this . Most of the band wasn't in at the time so it was a very rough practise . 
Grace needed me o send her over the tech spec so she could make the Chanel list I had only done the first years tech spec and needed the 2nd years tech spec so spent the afternoon going around to each band and getting their tech spec . Imaged to get all of them apart from Requiems band. My plan for Tomorrow is to rehearse for redbrick as I have booked out c18 and also to record with mollie for a song I want to get a demo recording of .
Today I also had to talk to a few first years about the running order and why some of their songs were cut as they weren't on the album .  
Other things I have to do  include : 
.record the vocals for that song already recorded in 17 
.ask josh for his mixed version of haven 
. ask Leanna for her mixed version of ghost 
. listen to recordings in c18
. getting promotional videos for it

Promotional material ideas : promoting it as an end of year college gig , 

I spent this morning Recording guitar for one of my tracks . I collaborated with Molly who helped me record and set up in c17 . I recorded the main guitar and then I recorded the guitar riff over the top, I then decided to record  quick guitar riff separately as it was hard and took a few takes . Mollie played it on a loop fr me and it took me around 20 takes to get it right . 

Later i went over songs for redbrick ,  I practised ex' s and ohs and against all odds . Katie added some extra guitar fills in between certain parts which we all thought sounded really cool . Then we practised against all odds Im taking my inspiration from the Mariah Carey version ,however, the end part is very hard vocally and I have been practising in rehearsal but I have been singing an easier version . My aim is to attempt the hard part in practise so I can do it for the gig. 

things to say for convo starters as the band is very quiet - not good for band communication 
what's everyone doing after college , complimenting the added guitar parts you like .  

also today I promoted the gig by putting it on a facebook page and on my insta .


Today the music video came out ! 

 today I practised this charming man I practised it by going over the chorus over and over to help Leanna get it right I also introduced the band to the original I have been working on I decided I to do this song instead as it was better fit for redbrick . Also I wanted to have performed another original before I left college.  
Later this evening I have been playing the chords of my original and made up and extra vocal part for the end in case the end feels like it drags I doubt Ill do this part as ill have to play the slides on my guitar whilst singing which i'm not particularly confident with. However it gave me the idea of calling the song hopeless . I realised my song was still down as haven on running order so I messaged Theo ,who was in charge of the running order, and asked him if he could change the name and he did . 

today I practised with the two bands I doing redbrick with and also manage to complete the original with my friend I got a bassist a drummer and another guitarist to do it with me . I also finished the equipment list but had to ask Michael about whether or not we were using redbrick PA system which he answered by saying the wants to try and bring of our own stuff as possible so I wrote down on the equipment list what we needed . 
stuff we recorded , 
mollies voice recording of the equipment list being made 
phots of stage plan act 
voice recording of original first Time played through with the band 

picture of channel list - made channel list 
run through day had. a hospital appointment wich was a constraint . - I had been diagnosed with stereo clavicular joint instability this is why I have been finding difficulty playing guitar just lately , this will be a constraint I will have to be able to work around in the future and will do so by strengthening my back and playing my guitar standing up for the majority of the time. 
I helped give advice about day plan for run through day with Blaise 
we performed the song 
this charming man - Leanna still hadn't learned the chorus and the bassist played the chorus I tried to pick it back up by starting up on the next verse but the drummer go confused and we had to restart swiftly and the second time round went fairly ok . 
Hopeless was a bit of a mess too I hadn't plugged my guitar in it might have been the nerves just making me forget and also the fact im not used to playing guitar especially electric so I absent mindedly started the singigwithought plugging it in . 
got recording of me and Leanna going over how it went . 

Redbrick gig day 


Today  me and  band members all decided to come in early so we got in extra practise considering the fact that yesterday didn't go as well as what we would have liked it to have gone . We spent the morning brushing up the charming man and it was mentioned to Leanna that she should practise the song faster than the original speed so that when she plays it normally it feels easier . She did this and finally managed to get it . 
By the time we had got this charming man practised it was time to start gathering up equipment. 
I helped get leads and lighter things being careful of my arm so as I wouldn't have a painful arm for the evening and ,with that in mind, I also asked Theo if he had room in his car for my bag and guitar so I wouldn't have to carry it to redbrick and he said he could. 
-input equipment list - 
After I had 
Before lunch we all had to make a plan for food ; where we were all gunna meet 
and who was was going in who's car. Me and one of my bands decided to stay in college through lunch and rehearse whilst the others went to kfc came back pick up our bags and one person in their car as that's all they could fit and then the rest of us walked . 
We all got into the redbrick building and one of my technical roles was to help set up I managed to get some pictures of set up ; as we were setting up we realised there was a lot less room on stage then what the thought . we had the guitar amps on one side of the stage and we decided that we should move the bass amp around and have a guitar amp on either side of the stage to optimise the sound . 
we were getting a lot of feedback and decided that we would bring the decimals down to - 20db . 
We then  met  Tim ,the manager, and Dawn , who does the door and we introduced ourselves.  

Then there was a man there who was doing interviews for a podcast I was interviewed I managed to talk to about the album and shout  out my track haven I also talked about the original I was performing this evening . 

After this we got ready , we decided to get food in Tesco as it was close and save more time as we only had an hour and then get ready in red brick . 
After this we had a tech run the tech run went ok we top and tailed all the songs so as we could get through it quickly and efficiently . I asked that my volume be turned up as I couldn’t hear my self over the guitar . 

The gig 
Before I went on stage I went to the back to tune my guitar and get my lyrics ready . 
I would say my peformance went pretty well . 
First I had my original , i remembered to plug my guitar in and with the little bit of time at the start I talked about how I would be realeasing it soon . 
I made a couple of mistakes on the ace one verse as I messed up the lyric so instead of stopping and fumbling under the pressure I managed to make a quick fix and switch two of the lyrics around whilst I was singing to make it work . Vocally I feel I sang it very well I managed to get the raspiness  especially on the pre-chorus part wich was the hardest part to sing .  I  managed to sing and play guitar to signal the end of the song wich we managed to wrap up pretty nearly . 

Next I sang this  this charming man the song that everyone in the band had struggled with. I remembered to sing it three time at the end and managed to sing the rest fine as well . It was a pretty low song for me as I sang it in Morrisey’s key but I managed it fine . 


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