
Showing posts from September, 2023


  Explore 3 different plans  WiX  OPPURTUNITIES  SCHOLARSHIPS  FUNDING ASSIGNMENT D8.1  Plan A  UNIVERSITY  University has many benefits for me , giving me a more in depth knowledge of music and also I will have access to facilities to increase my communication skills as i will be surrounded many other students . I will be able to branch out and learn about different roles and jobs in industry ( music accountancy, music therapist , music marketing manager etc )  Finance - Uni will mean I will have to be responsible with money as I will be away from home experiencing life as an official adult for the first time . I will have to learn budgeting skills and money management being able to save money nights out and being able to buy essentials . On average in the UK £150-250 a student spends per week on living expenses , transport and social activities .   STUDENT FINANCE :  Students not living in London will get i up to £9706 per year...

D8. 2&3 SKILLS

Graphics  Hozier music video  take me to church  teen in bedroom  Analysis  lighting with old camera lenses scattered light Stephen Spielberg effect  different angles to hold interest  lots of different themes and metaphors running throughout  backlit means you cant see facial features  ok go  all one shot real zero graphity  no effects Wintergaden    animation( stop motion )  intercut with band playing  playing live  debut music video  wanted to show they can play live  marketing name instruments laid out and explanation ( personally don't like explanation idea)  Skills :  Traditional camera skills  lighting  special fx  Adobe - premiere and photoshoop                 illustrator  indesign  Making band logos  2/3 of jobs in music industry are to do with marketing   Cryin  Christmas concert  I...