Explore 3 different plans WiX OPPURTUNITIES SCHOLARSHIPS FUNDING ASSIGNMENT D8.1 Plan A UNIVERSITY University has many benefits for me , giving me a more in depth knowledge of music and also I will have access to facilities to increase my communication skills as i will be surrounded many other students . I will be able to branch out and learn about different roles and jobs in industry ( music accountancy, music therapist , music marketing manager etc ) Finance - Uni will mean I will have to be responsible with money as I will be away from home experiencing life as an official adult for the first time . I will have to learn budgeting skills and money management being able to save money nights out and being able to buy essentials . On average in the UK £150-250 a student spends per week on living expenses , transport and social activities . STUDENT FINANCE : Students not living in London will get i up to £9706 per year...